Bed Bugs Eggs – How to Spot and eventually Get Rid of

Before you eliminate bed bugs, you need to know where to find the eggs. An adult female bed bugs lay their eggs singly or in cluster in secluded places, usually on rough surfaces or in crack and crevices such as wood or fabrics. However, there are instances where bed bugs eggs can also stick to your clothes.

Female bed bugs can lay one to twelve eggs per day and hatch in about a week to 17 days. But don’t worry since eggs won’t be laid on your skin and are more interested in sucking blood. Still, egg mortality is very low and up to 97% of the bed bugs eggs hatch successfully.

How to spot bed bugs eggs

Bed bug eggs are small, soft, pearly white and barrel shaped that is similar to the size of a grain of salt or sand to sesame seeds yet slightly smaller than a grain of rice with a distinct cap at one end. The eggs, which can be about 1/32 inch long, are also covered with sticky substance so they can easily adhere to the hard and rough surface they are laid on, making it difficult to remove.

Further, the eggs don’t bite, crawl or move and will only do so once they are hatched. Although they are tiny, the eggs of a bed bug can still be visible to the naked eye. However, they may be difficult to spot without magnification especially when they are laid on light-coloured surfaces.

Tips on how to kill bed bugs eggs

If you have suffered from bed bugs infestation or saw eggs all over the house, the first thing you’ll consider is bed bug fogger or bombs. According to the Department of Entomology at the Ohio State University, these bug bombs are no match to blood-sucking pests and their eggs.

Hence, here are different ways to get rid of both the bed bugs and their eggs.

  • Use a dryer and set it to high heat for 10 to 20 minutes, not less than 160F.
  • In case dryer is not applicable for items such as mattress or sofa, loosely wrap them in plastic and place it outdoors in a hot and sunny location for 24 hours.
  • Bleaching, however, this can cause discoloration and spotty laundry.
  • Scrape or brush the furniture or surface with eggs then vacuum immediately.
  • Steaming with a temperature of not less than 120F.
  • Freezing, though this may take several days unlike heating or drying.
  • Bed bug powder, however not all products will work in removing bed bug eggs.

If any of the criteria mentioned do not match the bed bug eggs, then it can be a sign that the eggs are already dead. Just make sure to continue employing these techniques and regularly check every corner of your home to prevent infestation.