Bed Bug Spray: Does it Really Work?

Bed bug spray is a type of solution offered to help you get rid of bed bugs and its eggs. Also, this type of product can kill fleas, lice, roaches and scabies.

There are two types:

Over the counter sprays – this can either be all-natural or a type of spray that contains some form of pesticide called synthetic pyrethroid that is known to kill bugs. Professional grade pesticides – this type of spray come in different forms of concentrate or active ingredient that needs to be diluted according to what was written on the label.

Between the two, professional grade pesticides are more effective in eliminating bed bugs since it offers better residual are more often used by pest professionals.

How does it work?

Pyrethrums are a class of chemicals that are toxic to insects and somewhat safe for humans. This is the main ingredient contained in most bed bug sprays that is sprayed directly on the infested area. Once a bed bug comes in contact with the sprayed area, the chemical will be absorbed by the bug through its outer shell and eventually go inside its body and kill it.

However, the key is making direct contact with bed bugs and their eggs. This can be challenging since bed bugs crawl in areas that chemicals may not be able to reach and thrive in small spaces which can be difficult to penetrate. Without direct contact, bed bug spray will not be able to work its magic.

Is it harmful?

Thankfully, bed bug sprays with toxic ingredients are already banned while there are still many others that are either regulated or under watch list. Still, today’s bed bug sprays can still pose a potential threat to babies and pets, especially when the sprays are either excessively used or not used properly. That is why it is important to read the label carefully to avoid adverse effects on non-targets.

Otherwise, exposing yourself, your family member or even pets can result to headaches, dizziness, pain, heart palpitations and irritation of the airways, nasal cavities and eyes.

Is it really effective?

This is the ultimate question when it comes to killing bed bugs. The answer is yes and no. A lot of people think that using bed bug spray is the best way to kill bed bugs. Unfortunately, these pests have developed a resistance against pesticides, passing on pyrethrin to the next generation of bed bugs, thereby rendering most sprays useless and ineffective. Because of this, natural alternatives were used such as steam, vacuum and cold or heat treatments.

Still, there are sprays that are proven to work such as EPA-registered insecticides that are used according to the label. Bed bug sprays are also more effective specially when combined with other techniques known as integration pest management (IPM). This technique is safer and more environment-friendly.

To be safe, don’t put bed bug extermination in your own hands. Call for professional help and let them do the work.